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Cambridge Service Alliance

At the forefront of service transformation in the digital era


Janet R. McColl-Kennedy is Professor of Marketing, and Lead, Innovation Pathways Program, FaBA (Australia's Food and Beverage Accelerator), Trailblazer Universities program, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.

Professor McColl-Kennedy is an Honorary Visiting Professor and Fellow, Cambridge Service Alliance, Institute for Manufacturing, in the Department of Engineering, the University of Cambridge, UK. She is also the Founding Co-Lead of the Service Innovation Alliance (SIA) Research Hub at the Business School, The University of Queensland. SIA is a multidisciplinary research hub focusing on Customer Experience, Service Innovation and Sustainability, with an emphasis on AI, digital transformation and service design.

Janet embodies scholarly excellence. She is an elected Fellow of the prestigious Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA) for her distinguished contribution to the social sciences. She is also a Distinguished Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) having "demonstrated outstanding contributions to the Academy and also demonstrated eminence in the Marketing discipline through research, scholarship, education and leadership". In 2023 she received the inaugural Bo Edvardsson Industry Impact in Services award.

Professor McColl-Kennedy was recognised in the "Highly Cited Researcher Awards for 2021", released by Clarivate™. This prestigious achievement is for those who are pioneers in their field, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for the field and year in the Web of Science™. In 2023 and 2024 she was ranked in the World's Best Business and Management Scientists by

Professor Janet McColl-Kennedy has made a significant research contribution to the discipline of Marketing, specifically in her research area of “Services”. With over 200 publications (89 being refereed international journal articles, 21 book chapters/books, 6 industry articles, white papers, and reports, 14 workbooks and 71 refereed international conference proceedings), Professor McColl-Kennedy is not only a leading senior marketing academic in Australia, she is internationally recognised as a leading researcher in Service Science. Her research interests focus on customer experience management and measurement, and the role of digital technology, customer insights and choice preferences, customer complaining behaviour and customer value co-creation. She has particular expertise in health care services. Professor McColl-Kennedy is dedicated to nurturing the next generation of researchers mentoring over 20 PhD and honours students.

Janet leads several cross disciplinary and international research teams, obtaining over $96.8 million in competitive research grants, including 20 years of continuous funding from the prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC).


Key publications: 

Danaher, Tracey, Peter Danaher, Jillian Sweeney and Janet R. McColl-Kennedy (2024), “Dynamic Customer Value Cocreation in Healthcare”, Journal of Service Research, 27, 2, 177-193.

Orsingher, Chiara, Janet R. McColl-Kennedy, Teegan Green, Marlien Varnfield, Mohamed Zaki, Jane Li, Kaley Butten, Jason Titman and David Hansen (2024), “Mobile Applications (Apps) as Service Provider Actors: Reimagined Roles, Interactions and Impact on the Service Experience”, International Journal of Consumer Studies 48, 2.

McColl-Kennedy, Janet R., Christoph Breidbach, Teegan Green, Mohamed Zaki, Alexandria Gain, Mieke van Driel (2023), “Cultivating Sustainable Service Ecosystems in Turbulent Times: Evidence from Primary Health Care”, Journal of Services Marketing, 37, 9, pp. 1167-1185.

Sweeney, Jillian, Pennie Frow, Adrian Payne and Janet R. McColl-Kennedy (2023), “How does a Hospital Servicescape Impact the Well-being and Satisfaction of Both Healthcare Customers and Professionals?” Journal of Services Marketing, 37, 9, pp. 1120-1131.

Tabaei Aghdaei, Z., J.R. McColl-Kennedy and L.V. Coote (2023), “Goal Setting and Health-related Outcomes in Chronic Diseases: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Literature 2000-2020”, Medical Care Research and Review, 80, 2, pp.145-164.

McColl-Kennedy, Janet R., Teegan Green and Mieke L. van Driel (2022), “Value in Primary Care Clinics: A Service Ecosystem Perspective”, Medical Journal of Australia, 216 (S10) 5 June pp. S22-23.

Brodie, Roderick, J., Geoffrey N. Soutar and Janet R. McColl-Kennedy (2022), “Research Performance of Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academics: Achieving Rigour and Relevance”, Australasian Marketing Journal, 30, 4, pp. 273-277.

Snyder, H., A. Gustafsson, L. Witell and J.R McColl-Kennedy (2022), “Consumer Lying Behavior in Service Encounters: Conceptualization, Typology and Outcomes”, Journal of Business Research, 141, pp.755-769.

Field, J. M., D. Fotheringham, M. Subramony, A Gustafsson, A. L., Ostrom, K.N. Lemon, M. Huang and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2021), “Service Research Priorities: Designing Sustainable Service Ecosystems”, Journal of Service Research, 24, 4 pp. 462-479.

Ostrom, A. L., J.M. Field, D. Fotheringham, M. Subramony, A Gustafsson, K.N. Lemon, M. Huang and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2021), “Service Research Priorities: Managing and Delivering Service in Turbulent Times”, Journal of Service Research 24, 3, pp. 329-353.

Tabaei Aghdaei, Z., J.R. McColl-Kennedy and L.V. Coote (2021), “Hierarchy of Customer Goals: Conceptual Framework and New Insights” Journal of Service Management, 32, 5, pp. 673-701.

Zaki, M., J.R. McColl-Kennedy and A. Neely (2021), “Using AI to Track How Customers Feel – In Real Time”, Harvard Business Review, 4 May 2021  

Patterson, P.G., J.R. McColl-Kennedy, Y. Lee and M.K. Brady (2021), “Gaining Insights into Why Professionals Continue or Abandon Pro Bono Service”, European Journal of Marketing, 55, 3, pp.790-813.

Chen, T., S. Dodds, J. Finsterwalder, L. Witell, L. Cheung, T. Garry, H. Snyder and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2021), “Dynamics of Wellbeing Co-Creation: A Psychological Ownership Perspective”, Journal of Service Management, 32, 3, pp. 83-406.
McColl-Kennedy, J.R., L. Cheung and L.V. Coote (2020), “Tensions and Trade-offs in Multi-actor Service Ecosystems”, Special Issue Multi-actor Service Ecosystems, Journal of Business Research, 121, pp. 655-666.

Zaki, M. and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2020), “Text Mining Analysis Roadmap (TMAR) for Service Research”, Special Issue of Journal of Services Marketing on Qualitative Methods in Service Research, Journal of Services Marketing, 34, 1, pp.30-47.

Frow, P., McColl-Kennedy, J.R., Payne, A. and Govind, R. (2019), “Service Ecosystem Well-being: Conceptualization and Implications for Theory and Practice”, European Journal of Marketing, 53, 12, pp. 2657-2691.

Cheung, L .and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2019), “Addressing Vulnerability: What Role Does Marketing Play?", Special Issue: Transformative Services Research and Social Marketing, Journal of Services Marketing, 33, 6, pp. 660-670.

McColl-Kennedy, J.R., M. Zaki, K. Lemon, F. Urmetzer and A. Neely (2019), “Gaining Customer Experience Insights that Matter”, Journal of Service Research, 22, 1, pp.8-26.

Snyder, H., L. Witell, M. Elg and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2019), “The Influence of Place on Health-care Customer Creativity”, European Journal of Marketing, 53, 7, pp.1400-1422.  

Gallan, A. S., J.R. McColl-Kennedy, T. Barakshina, B. Figueiredo, J. Go Jefferies, J.  Gollnhofer, S. Hibbert, N. Luca, S. Roy, J. Spanjol, H. Winklhofer (2019), “Transforming Community Well-Being Through Patients' Lived Experiences”, Journal of Business Research, 100 (July), pp. 376-391.

Keating, B., J.R. McColl-Kennedy, D. Solnet (2018), “Theorizing Beyond the Horizon: Service Research in 2050”, Journal of Service Management, 29, 5, pp. 766-775.

Salunke, S. J. Weerawardena and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2018), "The Central Role of Knowledge Integration Capability in Service Innovation-based Competitive Strategy", Industrial Marketing Management, 76, pp. 144-156.

Bolton, R., J.R. McColl-Kennedy, L. Cheung, A.S. Gallan, C. Orsingher, L. Witell, M. Zaki (2018), “Customer Experience Challenges: Bringing Together Digital, Physical and Social Realms”, Journal of Service Management, 29, 5, pp. 776-808.

McColl-Kennedy, J.R., T.S. Danaher, A.S. Gallan, C. Orsingher, L. Lervik-Olsen and R. Verma (2017), “How Do You Feel Today? Managing Patient Emotions during Health Care Experiences to Enhance Well-being”, Journal of Business Research, 79 (October), pp. 247-259.

McColl-Kennedy, J.R., H. Snyder, M. Elg, L.Witell, A.Helkkula, S J. Hogan and L. Anderson (2017), "The Changing Role of the Health Care Customer: Review, Synthesis and Research Agenda", Journal of Service Management, 28, 1, pp. 1-34.

Cheung, L., McColl-Kennedy, J.R. and L.V. Coote (2017), “Consumer-citizens Mobilizing Social Capital following a Natural Disaster: Effects on Well-being”, Special Issue “Understanding Vulnerable, Stigmatized and Marginalized Consumers in Service Settings”, Journal of Services Marketing, 31, 4/5 pp.438-451.

McColl-Kennedy, J.R., S.J. Hogan, L. Witell and H. Snyder (2017), “Cocreative Customer Practices: Effects of Health Care Customer Value Cocreation Practices on Well-being”, Journal of Business Research, 70, 1, pp. 55-66.

Patterson, P. G., M. K. Brady and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2016), "Geysers or Bubbling Hot Springs?  A Cross-cultural Examination of Customer Rage From Eastern and Western Perspectives”, Journal of Service Research, 19, 3, pp. 243-259.  

Frow, P., McColl-Kennedy, J.R. and Payne, A.F.T. (2016), “Co-creation Practices: Their Role in Shaping a Service Ecosystem”, (Special Issue: ‘Theory and Practice of Value Co-Creation in B2B Systems’), Industrial Marketing Management, 56, July, pp. 24-39.

Andreassen, T.W., P. Kristensson, L. Lervik-Olsen, A. Parasuraman, J.R. McColl-Kennedy, B. Edvardsson, and M. Colucio (2016), “Linking Service Design to Value Creation in Service Research,” Journal of Service Management, Special Issue “Enhancing Theory Development” 27, 1, pp. 21-29.

McColl-Kennedy, J.R., A. Gustafsson, E. Jaakkola, P. Klaus, Z. Radnor, H. Perks, M. Friman (2015), “Fresh Perspectives on Customer Experience", Special Issue of Journal of Services Marketing, 29, 6/7, pp. 430-435.

Gustafsson, A., L. Aksoy, M.K. Brady, J.R. McColl-Kennedy, N, J. Sirianni, L. Witell, and   V.N. Wünderlich, (2015), “Conducting Service Research that Matters”, Journal of Services Marketing, 29, 6/7, pp. 425-429.

McColl-Kennedy, J.R., P.G. Patterson, M.K. Brady, L. Cheung and D. Nguyen (2015), “To Give or Not to Give Professional Services to Non-paying Clients: Professionals’ Giving Backstory”, Journal of Service Management, 26, 3, pp. 426-459.

Cheung, L. and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2015), “Resource Integration in Liminal Periods: Transitioning to Transformative Service", Special Issue: Fresh Thinking in Services Marketing: Contemporary, cutting-edge and creative thoughts, Journal of Services Marketing, 29, 6/7, pp. 485- 497.  
Ford, R.C. and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2015), “Organizational Strategies for Filling the Customer Can-do/Must-do Gap”, Business Horizons, 58, pp. 459-468.

Sweeney, J.C., T.S. Danaher and J.R. McColl-Kennedy (2015), “Customer Effort in Value Cocreation Activities: Improving Quality of Life and Behavioral Intentions of Health Care Customers”, Journal of Service Research, 18, 3, pp. 318-335.
McColl-Kennedy, J.R., L. Cheung and E. Ferrier (2015), “Co-creating Service Experience Practices”, Journal of Service Management, 26, 2, pp. 249-275.

Surachartkumtonkun, J., J.R McColl-Kennedy and P.G. Patterson (2015), “Unpacking Customer Rage Elicitation: A Dynamic Model”, Journal of Service Research, 18, 2, pp. 177-192.  
McColl-Kennedy, J. R. (2014), “Healthcare in Service Science”, Special Issue, Australasian Marketing Journal, 22, 3, pp. 165-167.

Frow, P., J. R. McColl-Kennedy, T. Hilton, A. Davidson, A. Payne and D. Brozovic (2014), “Value Propositions: A Service Ecosystem Perspective”, Marketing Theory, 14, 3, pp. 327–351.

Bolton, R.N., A. Gustafsson, J.R. McColl-Kennedy, N.J. Sirianni. and D.K. Tse (2014), “Small Details that Make Big Differences: A Radical Approach to Consumption Experience as a Firm's Differentiating Strategy”, Journal of Service Management, 25, 2, pp. 253-274.


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Service Experience

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  • Since its inception in 2010 industrial partners have included CEMEX, GEA, IBM, Pearson, Zoetis, HCLTech, Bouygues UK among others.