Join the Cambridge Service Alliance to:
Achieve competitive advantage through pioneering research from one of the world's leading universities.
Benefit from new research focusing on the core challenges firms are facing as they undergo digital transformation.
Learn how other innovative organisations are developing new services.
Share your challenges and approaches with non-competing organisations through our Community of Interest programme and join us at Cambridge Service Week, our annual flagship event that brings together industrialists, academics and policymakers to consider the latest thinking around services and digital technologies.
Embed service thinking throughout your organisation.
IfM’s knowledge-transfer arm, IfM Education and Consultancy Services, helps partners to put Alliance research findings into practice through consultancy delivered by Industrial Fellows, all of whom have experience of working with multinational companies at a senior level. Partners also benefit from complimentary places on our training courses plus access to a wealth of resources such as webinars, reports, academic papers, blogs and regular executive briefings.
Collaborate with our consortium to experiment with new digital service technologies.
Together we can pilot new digital technologies and data analytical tools such as blockchain and machine learning to rapidly evaluate their potential value for your organisation.