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Cambridge Service Alliance

At the forefront of service transformation in the digital era


Thayla is a PhD researcher at the Centre for Digital Built Britain and Institute for Manufacturing. Her research interests revolve around digital services, BIM and digital transformation of the built environment.


Thayla holds a BEng/MEng in Civil Engineering (first-class honours) and an MSc in Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil. She graduated Summa Cum Laude (with the highest distinction), and she is ranked among the 5% of students with the highest GPAs of the engineering course to date. Prior to her PhD, Thayla worked as a researcher at the Production Engineering Department of the Federal University of Santa Catarina.

Research Awards

2019 - 26th annual Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence
2017- Highly commended Research Project, Emerald Group Publishing and CLADEA Management Research Fund Award (2017) for the research project entitled: “The influence of contextual factors on the relationship between service strategies adoption and financial performance in manufacturing firms”. Available at:
2016- Best paper award at the XXIII Production Engineering Symposium, Brazil
2015 - Best Paper Award at the 7th Industrial Product-Service Systems Conference - Saint-Étienne (France), The International Academy for Production Engineering – CIRP
2015 - Best Research Project Award, Emerald Group Publishing and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES - Brazil). Available at:
2015 - Best paper award at the XXIII Production Engineering Symposium, Brazil.


Key publications: 

Journal Publications

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P. A (2018). Sustainable business models as an innovation strategy in the water sector: An empirical investigation of a sustainable product-service system. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 171, p. S119-S129.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Magalhães, L., Zancul, E., Campos, L. S., Cauchick Miguel, P. A (2018). Cleaner production as an antecedent for circular economy paradigm shift at the micro-level: evidence from a home appliance manufacturer. Journal of Cleaner Production, v. 185, p. 740-748.

Schmidt, A., Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Andrietta, J., Cauchick Miguel, P. A (2018). Deploying Six Sigma practices to General Electric subsidiaries in a developing economy, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, v. 35, p. 446-462.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P. A (2018). The main challenges for social life cycle assessment (SLCA) to support the social impacts analysis of product-service systems, International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, v. 23, p. 607-616.

Scheller A.C., Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick-Miguel, P.A. (2018. Lean Six Sigma in developing countries: evidence from a large Brazilian manufacturing firm, International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, doi:

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Magalhaes, L., Zancul, E.S., Cauchick Miguel, P. A (2018). Exploring the challenges for circular business implementation in manufacturing companies: An empirical investigation of a pay-per-use service provider. Resources Conservation and Recycling, v. 135, p. 3-13.

Yamakawa, E.K., Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick-Miguel, P.A., Killen, C.P (2018). R&D portfolio management practices in Brazilian electric power utilities, Benchmarking: An International Journal, v. 25(6), p.1641-1655.

Zancul, E.S., Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P. A (2017). Project-based learning approach: improvements of an undergraduate course in new product development. Production, v. 27, p. Epub July 24. 

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2017). Exploring business model innovation for sustainability: an investigation of two product-service systems. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, doi:

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2017). A QFD-based approach to support sustainable product-service systems conceptual design. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, v. 88, p. 701-717.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Magalhães, L., Zancul, E., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2017). Lifecycle management of product-service systems: a preliminary investigation of a white goods manufacturer. Procedia CIRP. v. 64, p. 31-36.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2017). Proposal of a hotspot-based approach to identifying social impacts along the product-service systems life cycle in the early design phases. Procedia CIRP, v. 64, p. 85-90.

Beuren, F. H., Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2017). Proposal of a framework for product-service systems characterization. Production, v. 27, p. Epub Nov 13.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2016). Exploring the consumption side of sustainable product-service systems (PSS): An empirical study and insights for PSS sustainable design. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 15C, 74-81.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2016). Exploring the Critical Factors for Sustainable Product-service Systems Implementation and Diffusion in Developing Countries: An Analysis of two PSS Cases in Brazil. Procedia CIRP, v. 47, p. 454-459.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cantú, V., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2016). Product-service systems as sustainable alternatives to mobility: a comparative analysis of two bike-sharing systems. Brazilian Journal of Operations and Production Management, 13, 264-275.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2015). Product-service Systems as a Promising Approach to Sustainability: Exploring the Sustainable Aspects of a PSS in Brazil. Procedia CIRP, v. 30, p. 138-143

Conference Papers

Zomer, T.; Neely, A.; Parlikad, Martinez, V. (2019). Becoming Digital: Enacting Digital Transformation in Construction Projects. Paper presented at the British Academy of Management Conference 2019.

Zomer, T.; Neely, A.; Parlikad, Makri, C. (2019). Shaping Systemic Innovation in Project-Based Inter-Organisational Networks: A Structuration Perspective. Paper presented at the 26th EurOMA Conference.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Neely, A., Martinez, V (2018). Enabling Digital Transformation: An Analysis Framework. In: 25th EurOMA, 2018, Budapest.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A., Neely, A (2017). Exploring the financial outcomes of the servitisation of manufacturing: A literature analysis. In: 24th EurOMA, 2017, Edinburgh.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Magalhães, L., Zancul, E., Campos, L. S., Cauchick Miguel, P. A (2017). Cleaner Production Practices Towards Circular Economy Implementation at the Micro-Level: An Empirical Investigation of a Home Appliance Manufacturer. In: 6th International Workshop Advances in Cleaner Production, 2017, São Paulo, Brazil.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2016). Exploring the Critical Factors for Sustainable Product-service Systems Implementation and Diffusion in Developing Countries: An Analysis of two PSS Cases in Brazil. Procedia CIRP, 47, 454-459.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Campos, L.M.S., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2015). Sustainability assessment of product-service systems: a literature review. Proceedings of the XXII Simpósio de Engenharia de Produção - SIMPEP (Production Engineering Symposium), Bauru 09-11 November 2015 (in Portuguese).

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2015). Product-service systems as a promising approach to sustainability: exploring the sustainable aspects of a PSS in Brazil. Procedia CIRP, 30, 138-143.

Sousa, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2015). Exploring and comparing the sustainable potential of advanced services: insights from two product-service systems cases. The Spring Servitization Conference, Birmingham 18-20 May 2015.

Sousa, T.T., Cantú, V.Z., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2015). Analysis and comparison of two bike-sharing systems: characteristics, similarities and sustainable potential of the solutions. XXI International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management - ICIEOM, Aveiro 6-8 July 2015.

Sousa-Zomer, T.T., Campos, L.M.S., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2015). Life cycle assessment of product-service systems: a preliminary literature analysis. Proceedings of the XXXV Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção - ENEGEP (National Production Engineering Conference), Fortaleza 13-16 October 2015 (in Portuguese).

Sousa, T.T., Sartori, S., Campos, L.M.S., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2014). Product-Service Systems and the potential as a sustainable solution: analysis of a Brazilian water purification PSS. 6th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, Berlin 8-9 October 2014 (extended abstract).

Sousa, T.T., Cauchick Miguel, P.A (2014). Sustainable Product-Service Systems: a preliminary literature analysis. Proceedings of the XXXIV Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produção - ENEGEP (National Production Engineering Conference), Curitiba 07-10 October 2014 (in Portuguese).

PhD Student

Staff Photo

 Thayla  Zomer


Person keywords: 
Service Innovation
Construction Industry
Digital Economy
Digital Transformation

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