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Cambridge Service Alliance

At the forefront of service transformation in the digital era


What is the Event?

You'll work in teams, guided by esteemed academics, to produce significant research works. Additionally, the forum features roundtable discussions led by distinguished scholars and industry leaders, providing invaluable insights into the field.

We believe that emerging scholars hold the key to addressing the challenges facing service management in the future. With ongoing global events such as the economic impact of COVID, Brexit, and the climate emergency, it is imperative that researchers focus on the future of service management to address these critical issues.

Now more than ever, PhD researchers need to address “what is the future of service management research in the digital era?” We are particularly interested in exploring themes such as the use of emerging technologies in service design, service innovation, customer experience, service business models, service strategy, and sustainability, among others.

At the Cambridge Service Management Forum, we promise a warm, welcoming, and intellectual experience. Additionally, we are delighted to host you for dinner at one of the University of Cambridge's prestigious colleges, where you can immerse yourself in the Cambridge atmosphere.

Event Details

Details can be found here

Monday, 23 September, 2024 - 09:00 to Tuesday, 24 September, 2024 - 17:00
Event location: 
Cambridge, UK

Cambridge Service Alliance

Welcome to the Cambridge Service Alliance…

  • A unique global alliance between the University of Cambridge and some of the world’s leading businesses.

  • Help organisations to address the challenges they will face in the next three to five years, through rigorous research, practical tools, insights and education programmes.

  • Learn how other innovative organisations are developing new services through our events

  • Since its inception in 2010 industrial partners have included CEMEX, GEA, IBM, Pearson, Zoetis, HCLTech, Bouygues UK among others.