Submitted by Angela Walters on Tue, 21/02/2017 - 11:28
In January, Katharina Greve presented her research 'Facilitating Co-creation in Living Labs: The Customer Perspective' at the 9th Service Operations Management Forum in Copenhagen, Denmark.
In January, Katharina Greve presented her research “Facilitating Co-creation in Living Labs: The Customer Perspective” (co-authored by V. Martinez, J. M. Jonas and A. Neely) at the 9th Service Operations Management Forum in Copenhagen, Denmark. In her presentation, Katharina highlighted that the customers’ voice has never before been more important in facilitating co-creation of product and service innovations. Companies are increasingly using open innovation environments like Living Labs to reach beyond their own boundaries, enhance internal innovation and expand their markets. Katharina described Living labs as a new platform for companies to engage customers in a process of co-creation to understand both existing and emerging user needs. In her study, she has analysed elements that contribute to the provision of customer feedback in the co-creation process at living labs.