Submitted by Angela Walters on Tue, 17/05/2016 - 10:29
Mohamed Zaki participated in the RECODE Sandpit on 2nd and 3rd March 2016.
Dr Mohamed Zaki participated in the RECODE Sandpit on 2-3 March 2016. The purpose of this event was to develop cross-disciplinary proposals for up to three short term feasibility studies, to test and further define a shared multi-disciplinary vision and research agenda for re-distributed manufacturing.
The resulting feasibility studies will be led by eligible UK-based academics in collaboration with industrial partners with the intent to provide a foundation for larger scale collaborative projects funded through UK and European research channels.
The finalist submitted their final proposal two weeks later. The RECODE Steering Group Committee reviewed these. Three projects were funded:
- Business as Unusual: Designing Products with Consumers in the Loop
- Digital Re-distributed Manufacturing Studio
- SME-Oriented Collaborative Customer Insight Platform for User-driven RdM (SOC-UDRdM)
Mohamed is involved in the second of these:
Digital Re-Distributed Manufacturing Studio.
Principal Investigator: Professor Ashutosh Tiwari - Cranfield University
- Dr Christopher Turner - Cranfield University
- Dr Doroteya Vladimirova - University of Cambridge
- Dr Mohamed Zaki - University of Cambridge
- Sudhir Rama Murthy - University of Cambridge
This 9-month feasibility study seeks to address the key research question: The research question we are answering in this study is 'How can data-driven decisions predict a future RDM business model?' The aim of this research is to develop a Digital RDM Studio that will enable data-driven experimentation with different business models for consumer goods industry. The feasibility study aim will be fulfilled through undertaking the following objectives:
- Identify current RDM business models
- Pilot selected future RDM business models
- Contribute to the RECODE roadmap of research
For further information or to get involved in this feasibility study please email Ash Tiwari. Watch the pitch video here.
images courtesy of Recode Network.