Submitted by Angela Walters on Wed, 25/03/2015 - 13:15
The September 2014 Paper on 'A Blueprint for the Next Generation Organisation: Reconciling agility, efficiency, and purpose' by Jonathan Trevor and Peter Williamson
Today, many CEOs recognise that their companies face three opposing pressures simultaneously: to re-organise to become more agile while at the same time maintaining relentless focus on efficiency and remain true to a consistent purpose that engages and motives their people. In order to look for answers to this problem this paper reminding us what the 21st Century organisation needs to deliver in order to achieve superior performance. It highlights that today’s organisational solutions, whether they are traditional bureaucracies, matrix structures, “ambidextrous” organisations, or the customer focused company don’t seem to be delivering on the two key demands of the 21st Century business environment: efficient integration and flexible adaptation.