Submitted by Administrator on Tue, 24/07/2018 - 17:44
This Publicly Available Specification (PAS) offers guidance to leaders of the UK industry that may enable manufacturing and solution providers in all sectors to win business, gain market share, generate revenue, and earn profits from the application of through-life engineering services (TES).
This PAS (Publicly Available Specification) was sponsored by the Innovate UK. Its development was facilitated by BSI Standards Limited and it was published under licence from The British Standards Institution.
Through-life engineering services (TES) are a set of capabilities, techniques, business thinking and network behaviours that, when applied to major assets, optimise their value and cost (e.g. keeping major assets working better, for longer, more economically). The motivation for publishing this PAS is to develop the opportunities for using TES within the UK to improve the capability and productivity of the UK industry base relative to the international competition. In some sectors, UK manufacturers have already achieved global leadership by showing that replacing the major asset ownership model with a service-based model allows the link between profit and major asset up-time, reliability, and longevity to be explicit. This, in turn, drives productivity and exports.
The PAS also offers guidance to leaders of the UK industry that may enable manufacturing and solution providers in all sectors to win business, gain market share, generate revenue, and earn profits from the application of TES. Given that research has demonstrated the benefits that TES derives from supply chain coordination, this guidance is offered to leaders of companies on every scale from multinational to small and medium-sized enterprises (SME).
Find out more about this PAS: https://shop.bsigroup.com/forms/PASs/PAS-28020185/